What Else Should I Know About Cenforce Tablets (Sildenafil)?

. Sildenafil citrate helps treat erectile dysfunction in men but this drug was specifically formulated as a sexual enhancer to provide sexual satisfaction for women and to help with problems of women called the Female Sexual Arousal Disorder (FSAD).


Cenforce 100 is one of tablets knows as the “female V*agra”. It contains 100mg of the active ingredient Sildenafil Citrate. Sildenafil citrate helps treat erectile dysfunction in men but this drug was specifically formulated as a sexual enhancer to provide sexual satisfaction for women and to help with problems of women called the Female Sexual Arousal Disorder (FSAD).

Some studies suggest that this drug helps increase sexual desire in women during sexual activity. It works by also increasing blood flow to a woman’s genitals, making the clitoris and surrounding area of the vagina sensitive to stimulation.

Although the exact mechanism on how it enhances sexual desire is not yet established. Some studies also suggest that this drug also increases vaginal wetness in post-menopausal women.

Cenforce Online Tablets

If you are interested in taking Cenforce 200, you should know how to securely utilize the medication. The right dose will rely upon your singular requirements. If you are on a low-portion routine, you might observe that your drug isn't sufficiently able to keep your erection long.

If so, you might need to take a higher measurement or think about changing to an alternate brand. On the other hand, you can likewise counsel a specialist if you have any of these issues.

Uses Of Cenforce Tablets

It is all for men. Age group does not matter. Irrespective of age the drug is prescribed to men suffering from erectile dysfunction.

How Long Does It Take For Sildenafil Citrate Tablet To Work?

Viagra is a prescription medicine used to treat the symptoms of Erectile Dysfunction. Cenforce 150 usually begin to work for erectile dysfunction within 30 minutes after taking it. It continues to work for up to 4 hours, although its action is usually less after 2 hours.

Side effects

  • chest pain
  • difficulty breathing
  • difficulty swallowing
  • excessive perspiration
  • extreme dizziness or fainting
  • flushing
  • unexpected hearing loss



Immediately call your doctor or reach nearby medical emergency centre if you are suspecting the overdose symptoms like Painful erection for long time, flushing, sleeplessness, etc…

Do not give your medicine to anyone nearby you even if they are having similar symptoms. Using wrong medicine may cause adverse effects or toxicity. You must advise them visit the doctor for their symptomatic relief.

Missed Dose:

A missed dose of Cenforce 100 Tablets should be taken as soon as you remember. Skip the cenforce dosage if it is the time for the next dose. Do not increase the dose for next time if you missed once. Multiple doses at the same time can cause fatal effects.

Warnings and Precautions

Individuals not advisable to perform sexual activity due to certain medical conditions, should not take Cenforce. Caution is advised to individuals with cardiovascular diseases and taking any antihypertensive drugs such as alpha-blockers for it may potentiate the hypotensive effects.

To purchase Cenforce, Visit Our Powpills. The drug store is a trusted and safe spot to purchase ED medicine. Cenforce 200mg can assist you with working on your erection and sex drive while upgrading your general sexual exhibition. Sildenafil is a functioning fixing in Cenforce 200mg and has been clinically tried. Hence, it is suggested that men take it under the direction of an enlisted clinical professional.