Walkthru, a leading provider of virtual tour services in North India

Choosing a university is a life-altering decision. Prospective students crave a sense of connection, a glimpse into the academic environment that could shape their future.


Choosing a university is a life-altering decision. Prospective students crave a sense of connection, a glimpse into the academic environment that could shape their future. Yet, traditional methods – static photos and brochures – often fall short of capturing the vibrant energy and unique offerings of a university campus. Here's where Walkthru steps in.

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Walkthru, a leading provider of virtual tour services in North India, empowers universities across Noida, Ghaziabad, Gurugram, Delhi, the entire Delhi NCR region, Chandigarh, Punjab (Jalandhar, Ludhiana, Amritsar), Rajasthan (Jaipur, Udaipur), Gujarat (Ahmedabad), Maharashtra (Mumbai), and beyond (Jodhpur, Dehradun, Shimla) to create immersive virtual tours. These tours transform the way universities connect with prospective students, offering a realistic and engaging experience that goes beyond the limitations of geography or time.

Step Inside the Halls of Academia: Unveiling the University Experience

Walkthru's university virtual tours aren't just digital walkthroughs; they're interactive journeys that allow students to:

  • Explore Campuses Virtually: Navigate stunning 3D tours of sprawling campuses, iconic landmarks, and picturesque green spaces. Students can get a feel for the university's atmosphere, layout, and unique architectural features.
  • Peek Inside Classrooms and Labs: Immerse themselves in interactive 360° views of classrooms, labs, libraries, and study spaces. This allows students to visualize themselves engaged in their chosen field of study.
  • Discover Student Life: Take a virtual stroll through student dorms, recreation centers, cafeterias, and common areas, providing a taste of the vibrant student life and sense of community fostered by the university.
  • Engage with Interactive Hotspots: Click on interactive hotspots throughout the tour to access additional information on academic programs, faculty profiles, student support services, and campus events, allowing them to delve deeper into specific areas of interest.

Beyond the Tour: A Tailored Approach for Every University

At Walkthru, we understand that every university has a unique story to tell. That's why we offer a customized approach to virtual tour creation:

  • Walkthrough Virtual Tours: Provide a realistic, self-guided exploration of your campus, allowing students to navigate at their own pace, exploring specific areas that pique their interest.
  • Interactive Floor Plans: Overlay interactive floor plans on your virtual tour, allowing students to easily navigate different buildings, departments, and facilities.
  • Highlight Specialized Facilities: Showcase cutting-edge labs, studios, libraries, or research centers with high-quality 360° views, emphasizing the university's strengths and unique resources.
  • Aerial Virtual Tours: Offer a bird's-eye view of sprawling campuses, highlighting iconic landmarks or the university's location within the city, providing a sense of scale and context.

Walkthru: Your Partner in Student Recruitment Success

Walkthru's university virtual tours offer several advantages over traditional recruitment methods:

  • Increased Engagement: Interactive 3D virtual tours are significantly more captivating than static brochures, leading to increased student interest and a deeper connection with the university.
  • Global Reach: Showcase your university to a wider audience of students regardless of their geographical location, expanding your recruitment pool.
  • 24/7 Accessibility: Virtual tours are always accessible online, allowing students to explore your university at their convenience, eliminating time zone restrictions.
  • Enhanced Accessibility: Virtual tours provide a seamless experience for students with disabilities, allowing them to explore the campus virtually without limitations.
  • Data-Driven Insights: Gain valuable data from user interaction with your virtual tour, understanding student interests and tailoring future content for maximum impact.

Investing in the Future: Empowering Prospective Students

By partnering with Walkthru, universities can create an immersive and engaging virtual experience that attracts top talent, simplifies the decision-making process for prospective students, and sets your university apart from the competition.

Let Walkthru unlock the doors to your university for prospective students across the globe. Contact us today for a free consultation and discover how our virtual tour services can revolutionize your recruitment strategy.

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